We are in a momentous state in society and a light has been shed on the injustice and discrimination that has been allowed for far too long. I have held my tongue for fear of not saying enough, or not saying the right thing. I have now come to the conclusion that saying nothing at all is far worse. Letting "better men and women" handle this one, just will not do.
Therefore, it is with absolute confidence and pride that Solutions by Miranda holds diversity and inclusion as a core value. It is my strong belief that "all men are created equal." That statement to me says that every person is deserving of fair and equal treatment in every private or public sector, organization, or government. It saddens me deeply that this is still a fight that we are engaged in and that the above statement is not yet fact.
It is due to this that I state, Solutions by Miranda, will now and always embrace the perspectives of every age, disability, education, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, immigration status, military veteran status, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or any other category that make up human experience.
Solutions by Miranda has a zero-tolerance for discrimination of any kind. And will excursive the right to refuse service if any discrimination is shown.
When we can welcome differences in others, we gain access to understanding and compassion. And, can more effectively provide what is needed and wanted. And, grow as a community, society, and race.
Much love,
Miranda Hernandez